Our staff includes a group of highly trained educators and clinical diagnosticians who have extensive experience assisting families who have children with learning disabilities and emotional/behavioral issues.
Our founder, Kathleen Edwards M.Ed. has been a classroom teacher for grades 6-12 and an adjunct instructor at the college level. Furthermore, Kathleen has been a fierce advocative voice for academically and emotionally challenged children while acting as a source of information and mediator during family coaching sessions.
The variety of roles she has fulfilled throughout her career has enabled her to view struggling students through a variety of lenses. She has years of practice as a teacher, diagnostician, administrator, and the former founder and CEO of one of the most unique schools in the United States. Her passion, dedication, and tenacity for her work are paramount, thus she has been highly successful in all her roles. In addition to her love for her family and animals, Kathleen considers her greatest legacy to be the help and guidance she has been able to provide for her students, their families, and the educators she’s worked with.