ADHD Assessment with Cognitive and Academic Information Fee: $1,250
ADHD Assessment with Full Psychoeducational Assessment Fee: $3,000
There isn’t a specific “test” to determine whether an individual has ADHD. An ADHD diagnosis can be made when specific information is gathered and interpreted. According to the DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, there are 9 symptoms that may be present with Inattentive ADHD and 9 symptoms that may occur with hyperactivity/impulsivity ADHD. Most people display one or more of the symptoms throughout life.

To be diagnosed with ADHD:
- At least 6 of the 9 symptoms must be present
- The symptoms have to be appearing in two or more settings for 6 months or longer
- The symptoms must significantly impair academic, social, or work functioning
- Some symptoms have to be present prior to the age of 12
ADHD often co-exists with other disorders. The possibility of learning disabilities, mental health disorders, autism, sensory processing disorder, oppositional defiant/conduct disorder, Tourette syndrome, sleep apnea, and other physical disorders must be considered
An ADHD evaluation must include the following:
- Information from people that interact with the individual in a variety of settings and situations
- An Interview with and observation of the individual suspected of having ADHD
- A review of the individual’s medical history, including familial history of ADHD/Mental Health concerns
- Use of ADHD Rating Scales
- Review of all information gathered
At Reimagining Education, we also screen for cognitive and academic abilities with our ADHD evaluations
Following the Assessment, you will receive:
- A written report you can take to your child’s physician
- 45-minute meeting to review the results and suggestions